Cystinosis Research Foundation Awards $1,761,223 In New Research Grants

We are excited to announce that the CRF Scientific Review Board reviewed the cystinosis grant requests and recommended seven applications for funding, which total $1,761,223. Included was an award of $765,192 for our brilliant CRF researcher, Stéphanie Cherqui, PhD of UCSD, for the stem cell and gene therapy clinical trial, covering costs above and beyond the CIRM grant issued in the spring.

With the help and endless support of our community, the Cystinosis Research Foundation can provide grants like these that support researchers dedicated to finding better treatments and ultimately, a cure for cystinosis. Our years of funding and fighting have brought us to the brink of new clinical trials and closer than ever to the cure. It is because of you that CRF has been able to support so many exceptional researchers at leading institutions across the globe. Together, we shine bright! Thank you! To view the list of funded grants, visit the CRF website.

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